The EDM Council is pleased to add search capabilities to our website. This is currently in beta (testing) mode.

We appreciate any feedback regarding the new search functionality or on any aspect of your website experience.

Contact Us
Events / Conference

DataVision New York 2024

Date and Time

Tue, Dec 3, 2024


New York City, TBA


REGISTRATION for DataVision NY 2024 to open soon!

Join us on 3 December in New York City for EDM Council’s next DataVision event. Stay tuned for further details on our Women Data Professionals Summit, which will kick off that morning.

Hear from industry experts and practitioners and network with your peers as we explore critical data management and advanced analytics topics. DataVision 2024 and the Women Data Professionals Summit are COMPLIMENTARY for members, prospective members, guests and all data management professionals.

Keynote and panel sessions will include topics such as:

  • Mastering AI & Data Governance
  • Maximizing Data ROI and Business Value
  • Driving Sustainability with Data
  • Navigating the Cloud with CDMC
  • Harnessing the Power of Data Products & Marketplaces
  • Mitigating Data Risk in AI

And connect with peers across the data management community at our Networking Reception!

Any questions? Please contact us or email Member Support

Sponsorship Opportunities

We invite sponsorship from our member community. For more information about branding, speaking and exhibiting opportunities, contact Robert Rummel, EDM Council’s Regional Advocate.

