Conduct a CDMC Readiness Assessment

Is your data ready for the cloud?

Start with a snapshot of your cloud data management

If your organization is embarking on its cloud or hybrid cloud journey, how you manage and protect your data is a crucial element of your success. But where do you start? Use the CDMC (Cloud Data Management Capabilities) framework to conduct a Readiness Assessment, which is a scored analysis of existing cloud capabilities, in alignment with the capabilities and sub-capabilities of the CDMC Framework. Readiness Assessments can also be used to benchmark the maturity of your cloud capabilities.

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2 Ways to Conduct a Cloud Data Management Assessment

Conduct a Self Assessment + CDMC Training For Your Team

Data management professionals can download the CDMC framework with a free license to conduct internal assessments. This is most effective when combined with CDMC training to ensure your in-house team has a comprehensive understanding of CDMC’s underlying principles, its core components, capabilities and sub-capabilities. CDMC training is available on-demand as eLearning or in a live virtual course, or schedule a dedicated class for your team.

Download CDMC

Get an Independent Assessment with a CDMC Authorized Partner

Both members and non-members of the EDM Council can conduct a CDMC Readiness Assessment with an authorized partner. Many of our consulting members have joined the CDMC Authorized Partner (CAP) program and are certified to conduct formal CDMC assessments to determine your cloud readiness according to best practices. A CAP can also use your readiness assessment to prepare for a full Certification Assessment of your cloud solution.

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"We're very excited to be the first cloud platform to adopt this new standard to help further accelerate the industry's move to the cloud."

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Find out more about the CDMC framework and its 6 key components, capabilities and sub-capabilties.