CDO Magazine is the premier global publication giving a voice to global leaders in strategic data management and analytics capabilities. CDO Magazine and the EDM Council partner to co-host virtual conferences such as the CDO & Data Leaders' Global Summit and Women Data Leaders' Global Summit, as well as the Data for Good Awards program.

eLearningCurve and EDM Council partner to deliver professional data management eLearning solutions – including on-demand training and professional certifications. EDM Council member firms receive a discount. 50+ courses cover a wide range of data management topics. With 9 CIMP certification tracks, plus DCAM and CDMC certification, your team's training needs are covered.

Pellustro, a solution of Element22 LLC, provides an optional survey tool for conducting DCAM assessments. It is available under a separate license arrangement. The tools provide automated survey workflow management to drive participation, analytics and dashboards, and EDM Council Industry Benchmark data loaded for comparison.
EDM Council has partnered with Solidatus to provide members with advanced DCAM knowledge modeling tools that enable chief data officers and their organizations to more effectively manage their data supply chain and conform with regulatory, data privacy and other business process requirements. Firms can deliver their data management capability road-map while accelerating value delivery from their data assets. Understand how DCAM version 2.2 has evolved and gain enhanced version-to-version traceability. EDM Council members can also register for a read-only Solidatus account today in order to access eight DCAM models. Get started on the DCAM User Group on EDMConnect.
Through its PACE Calibrate platform, UST provides an online survey and scoring tool to support DCAM assessments. Results are delivered in highly graphical dashboards that indicate overall scoring analysis as well as heatmaps of an organization's status against the against DCAM's 8 core components.

The EDM Council partners with WBR, providing support and expertise at key data management industry conferences. You might find the EDM Council team – and its members – speaking at events such as FIMA and InvestOps. WBR frequently invites the EDM Council member community to attend events at discounted rates. Find more on the Events page.