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Past Webinar

One for All: Leveraging Cloud in Client, Account & Product Data Mgt

Date and Time

Thu, Feb 29, 2024
Read the 3-minute summary


While many firms are already managing their client, product, and account data, too often these domains are managed in multiple systems without standard workflows, connectivity, or capability to cross reference between systems or across the three domains. Managing them together has exponential, compounding benefits – and can accelerate your cloud data transformation.  

Join this session to discover: 

  • What CAP Data Management is 
  • Why you need it 
  • Common issues and challenges 
  • Recent use cases and best practices 
  • Why it’s even more important in the cloud data explosion 


Kulveer Cheema
PreSales Lead, Americas, GoldenSource
Jeremy Katzeff
CFA, Head of Buy Side Solutions, GoldenSource
Moderator: Mike Meriton
Co-Founder, EDM Council

Post-event summary

The webinar titled “One for All: Leveraging Cloud in Client, Account & Product Data Mgt,” co-hosted by the EDM Council and GoldenSource, featured a dynamic and insightful discussion among industry experts:

  • Kulveer Cheema, PreSales Lead, Americas, GoldenSource
  • Jeremy Katzeff, CFA, Head of Buy Side Solutions, GoldenSource
  • Mike Meriton, Co-founder, EDM Council, Moderator

The panel brought together industry experts to discuss the critical topic of centralized data management in the financial services sector. The webinar illuminated the challenges many firms encounter with dispersed systems for managing client account and product data, underscoring the transformative impact of adopting an integrated approach to data management.

The conversation emphasized the significance of leveraging cloud technologies and the potential of generative AI in creating new opportunities for businesses. However, a foundational requirement highlighted was the establishment of trusted and interconnected databases for client and product information to fully realize these benefits. Through real-world case studies, the speakers showcased how a centralized EDM solution could lead to quicker fund launches, streamlined regulatory compliance, and more informed decision-making processes.

An essential aspect of the discussion was the engagement of all stakeholders in the transformation process and the recommendation for a gradual, phased approach to implementing change, ensuring a smooth transition for all involved. A poignant quote from Jeremy Katzeff during the webinar captured the essence of the discussion: “You have to ensure that the correct stakeholders are there on the journey…try to anticipate how the industry is continuing to evolve.” This quote highlights the strategic foresight and collaborative effort required to navigate data management complexities successfully.

The webinar concluded with valuable lessons learned and practical advice for organizations on the cusp of their data management transformation, emphasizing the role of strategic vision, stakeholder collaboration, and a forward-looking approach in harnessing the power of data to drive business success.
