In today’s information-driven society, there is perhaps nothing more ubiquitous and nothing that is multiplying at a more rapid pace than data. According to Forbes, more than 90% of the data that is available worldwide today was created within the last two years alone. And as the complex data landscape continues to expand, so must the data management capabilities and tools that support it.
In our new column
Eyes on Data with The EDM Council, which will be published during the second month of each quarter, we hope to shine some light on the most pressing data management issues that are impacting business across all industries, while offering our views on how companies can approach data-related challenges and opportunities. We’ll touch upon some of the advanced tools that are available, including AI, Machine Learning and advanced analytics, while examining some of the pertinent trends around which data is playing a growing role, such as ESG (environmental, social and governance) and the usage of hybrid cloud environments.
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