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EDM Council’s Inaugural Cloud Data Management Benchmark Report Measures Progress of Cloud Data Risk Controls Adoption Across Industries

Wed, Jun 28, 2023
New York, June 28, 2023 – EDM Council, the cross-industry trade association for data management, has released its Global Cloud Data Management Benchmark Report. This is the first cross-industry benchmark study specifically measuring the state of data management and data risk controls in support of trusted cloud adoption. The resulting report indicates that the majority of participating organizations are well down the path of cloud implementation, but that development is needed to ensure data is managed and protected appropriately.   

Key findings include:

  • 92% of respondents indicate they are engaged in cloud implementation, but most cloud data management capabilities are in the “developmental” stage
  • 84% of respondents have not implemented “ethical access, use, and outcome” policies and procedures when executing their agenda in the cloud
  • 98% of respondents agreed it would be helpful to have a trusted framework like EDM Council’s CDMC™ (Cloud Data Management Capabilities) framework for the management of data and its lifecycle in the cloud
The Cloud Data Management Benchmark Report is structured using the EDM Council’s CDMC framework, which was developed to define best practices, data risk controls, and automations for migrating and managing data in the cloud. CDMC was created by 300+ professionals from 100+ organizations cross-industry, including the world’s largest cloud providers. AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft all recently announced their implementation of the CDMC 14 Key Controls and Automations in their cloud offerings. “We are pleased to publish this first global benchmark study of cloud data management,” said John Bottega, President, EDM Council. “This cloud-focused analysis complements the EDM Council’s body of work to benchmark the state of data management for both business and data leaders, and understand how trusted data functions and capabilities are evolving in our data-driven, increasingly complex world.” “Cloud adoption requires comprehensive data management capabilities, including data risk controls and automation, to ensure that data is protected and controlled to meet regulatory requirements across jurisdictions,” said Diana Ascher, EDM Council's Head of Research. “The report outlines where greater attention should be directed to ensure data assets are central to planning and executing trusted cloud strategies.” The benchmark report provides metrics, analysis, and insights based on the 6 core components and 14 capabilities and key controls of CDMC, covering:
  • Governance & Accountability
  • Cataloging & Classification
  • Accessibility & Usage
  • Protection & Privacy
  • Data Lifecycle
  • Data & Technical Architecture 
Organizations may use the report to compare their cloud data management capabilities to industry standards. For those who have implemented the CDMC framework, the report provides an opportunity to compare scores with other organizations.

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About EDM Council

EDM Council is the global association created to elevate the practice of data management and analytics as a business and operational priority. The Council is the leading, global advocate for the development and implementation of data standards, best practices, and comprehensive training and certification programs. With more than 350 organizations from the Americas, EMEA, and Asia, and more than 25,000 data management professionals as members, EDM Council provides a venue for data professionals to interact, communicate, and collaborate on the challenges and advances in data management and analytics as critical organizational functions. For more, visit Media Contact Greg Tarmin, Paragon,, +1 917 868 7791