Currently only 19.7% women globally hold a board seat. This number has only increased by 2.8% since 2018.
This underrepresentation of women and the slow progress are a key focus area for many institutions worldwide. The European Union has agreed this year (2022) that companies will face mandatory quotas to ensure women have at a minimum 40% of seats on corporate boards.
Based on the ‘Deloitte Global Boardroom Program’s Women in the Boardroom’ report (7th edition was published in 2022 in cooperation with The 30% Club), near boardroom parity could be reached in 2045. But what is needed to accelerate this pace of change?
In this session, an expert panel will tackle these pressing questions:
- What needs to change in the commitment to boardroom diversity?
- Why is the progress so slow?
- What are the regional differences and how are mandatory laws helping progress diversity?
- How are industries differing in their female board representation?
- What are beneficial factors in companies that help women transition to board members?
- What are learnings from female board chairs?
- What can women in leadership positions do and what needs to be done among the decision-makers?