The Data Foundation is convening a broad-based, half-day public forum, FDTA Forum 2024: Defining Success, to highlight the nuance of the anticipated joint proposed rule on data standards and what successful implementation could mean for financial regulatory compliance, transparency, and data quality as we anticipate the release of the expected proposed joint rule.
The Data Foundation, in partnership with DFIN, invites speakers to address fundamental questions around the success of the Financial Data Transparency Act (FDTA) and the proposed rule on data standards, building on emerging dialogues over the past year.
Prompts to consider:
– What do government and financial institutions need to make the implementation of the FDTA successful?
– What key provisions, definitions, elements, or standards listed in the FDTA are not addressed in the rule (Why does that matter)?
The Financial Data Transparency Act (FDTA) amends securities and banking laws to make the information reported to financial regulators electronically searchable and to further enable the development of regulatory technologies and artificial intelligence applications. The ultimate goal is to harmonize reporting requirements, reduce the private sector’s regulatory compliance burden, and enhance transparency and accountability. The covered financial regulatory agencies have two years from the date of enactment to issue a joint rulemaking. The deadline for the proposed joint rule publication is 18 months after enactment (late June 2024) followed by a public comment period.
1:00 p.m. Opening Remarks
Nick Hart, President and CEO, Data Foundation
Craig Clay, President, Global Capital Markets, Donnelley Financial Solutions (DFIN)
1:15 p.m. Panel Discussion: Best Practices & Lesson Learned from Applying Data Standards
Kris Rowley, Chief Data Officer, Conference for State Bank Supervisors
Liz Sweeney, President, Nutshell Associates, LLC
John Truzzolino, Director of Business Development, DFIN (moderator)
1:45 p.m. Preview of Resources (Playbook) “FDTA Public Comments: A Playbook” – How it works and why it’s important for all stakeholders to engage in the review and commenting process
1:50 p.m. Public Forum
Ashley Nelle-Davis, Chief of Staff, Data Foundation (moderator)
John Bottega, President of EDM Council, will be providing comments on “The importance of data management for implementing the Financial Data Transparency Act”
3:50 p.m. Closing Remarks
Craig Clay, President, Global Capital Markets, Donnelley Financial Solutions (DFIN)
Nick Hart, President and CEO, Data Foundation
4:00 p.m. Event Concludes